To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For more info on how to install WordPress please see the WordPress Codex: Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find the file which is the WordPress theme. You can install the theme in two ways:


Go to Admin Dashboard / Plugins and start installing the plugin.

Do not forget to activate it once you're done installing. When you are done installing the theme files, you need to install our plugin for the theme. In order to have full access to all functionalities prepared for you. To install the plugin you need to click the link above ( see the screenshot example found down below) named "Begin installing the plugin". After you have clicked the link, it will lead you to a page where you will need to fill the following fields. Hostname, FTP/SSH username, FTP/SSH password and finally select the connection type. If you have entered these fields successfully, you are done!

Note: To be able to see the PixiePanel and all of its options, you need to install and enable our plugin. Our plugin contains the following possibilities: to customize, edit, moderate the theme in great depth, regarding the teams, groups, posts, sponsors, colors and etc.